Jessica Bradley
Children's Minister
Children's Ministry
On Sunday & Wednesday
We love Children at CUMC. All Children are always welcome in worship. We do have a quiet room for parents with young children located upstairs in the balcony of the Sanctuary. The quiet room is equipped with rocking chairs, a comfy couch, and a baby changing table. We also offer childcare for youngest children. Childcare is staffed by two adults who are dedicated to the safety and wellbeing of our little one. We follow the Child Safety Safe Sanctuaries policies at all times. Childcare is available for children up to preschool age during worship services, the Sunday School hour, Wednesday night dinner and programming, and other special events.
Children's Church
Children's Church is available for preschool age through 2nd grade on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Sundays. Children worship in the sanctuary with their families for the first part of the service. After the Morning Prayer or the Children’s message, children will meet Jessica Bradley, our Children's Minster, and a parent volunteer by the main doors. The children will participate in an activity to learn about the Bible story/scripture related to the day's sermon. Children to the Sanctuary during the closing hymn.The 1st Sunday of the month is Communion Sunday; children remain with their families to worship and receive communion together.
The Pray-ground is a child friendly area in the back of the Sanctuary. It is available every Sunday for all children during worship. The Pray-ground offers quiet activities for children during worship. Children (and parents) can sit and color, work on puzzles, read books, other quiet activities. Children can also take an activity to their seat in the pews.
Children's Sunday School
Sunday school for all ages is offered at 10:00am. Children’s Sunday school classes for preschoolers through 5th graders meet in the rooms off the Fellowship Hall. During Sunday school children learn the stories in the Bible about God’s People through crafts, games, and dramatic play.
Wednesday Evening Programing - CHOW
Wednesday nights from August through May Preschoolers through 5th graders can join the fun from 5:30-7:45pm. CHOW begins with a family dinner at 5:30pm; then fun fellowship play time at 6:00pm. Preschool and Elementary choirs practice at 6:30pm. Faith building time begins at 7:00pm. Wednesday evenings focus on how children can live out their faith by serving God and serving others. Activities include crafts, games, bible and current stories, and mission projects.
Children's Ministry Events
We host many events for Children birth through 5th grade throughout the year.
Easter Egg Hunt
Each Spring, right before Easter Sunday, we host an Easter Egg Hunt at Maples Park for children up to 5th grade.
Egg Hunt DetailsCamp SOS
Each summer, current 3rd, 4th and 5th graders spend a week in June serving our local community. It is an all-day camp from 9:00AM-3:00PM.
Camp SOS pageVacation Bible School
Every summer in July we host Vacation Bible School for Kids up to 5th Grade. It's always free and everyone is invited!
VBS DETAILSChildren's Choir & Musical
We have many opportunities throughout the year for children to be involved in choir and musical performances.
Trunk Or Treat
Every year, right before Halloween, we host our annual Trunk or Treat. Everyone is invited to join us and bring a friend!
Upward Basketball
Upward Basketball is offered for girls and boys 1st-6th grade during the winter. Signup begins late fall and practices begin in November. Games are in January & February.