Lent & Easter at Crestwood UMC
Ash Wednesday - February 14
Join us in the sanctuary for a traditional Ash Wednesday service with hymns and ashes at Noon or 6:40PM.
Open Chapel Wednesdays
Quiet time for reflection and prayer- Historic Chapel every Wednesday in Lent – 6:30-7:30PM
Children's Egg Hunt at Maples Park
Join us on Saturday, March 23rd for one of our two egg hunts at The Maples Park in Crestwood. Hunts are at 12:00PM & 1:30PM.
Palm Sunday
Join us on Palm Sunday, March 24 at 9:01AM for our contemporary service or at 11:11AM for our Traditional service.
Holy Thursday
Join us in the sanctuary on Thursday, March 28 at 7 PM for our traditional Maundy (Holy) Thursday Service.
Good Friday Service
Join us Friday, March 29 at 7:00PM in the sanctuary for our Good Friday Service.
Easter Sunday Services
Join us Easter Sunday, March 31, for services at 9:01AM for our contemporary service or at 11:11AM for our Traditional service.