Lent | Easter | Holy Week

Lent & Easter at Crestwood UMC

Ash Wednesday - February 14
Ash Wednesday - February 14

Join us in the sanctuary for a traditional Ash Wednesday service with hymns and ashes at Noon or 6:40PM.

Open Chapel Wednesdays
Open Chapel Wednesdays

Quiet time for reflection and prayer- Historic Chapel every Wednesday in Lent – 6:30-7:30PM

Children's Egg Hunt at Maples Park
Children's Egg Hunt at Maples Park

Join us on Saturday, March 23rd for one of our two egg hunts at The Maples Park in Crestwood. Hunts are at 12:00PM & 1:30PM.

Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday

Join us on Palm Sunday, March 24 at 9:01AM for our contemporary service or at 11:11AM for our Traditional service.


Holy Thursday
Holy Thursday

Join us in the sanctuary on Thursday, March 28 at 7 PM for our traditional Maundy (Holy) Thursday Service.

Good Friday Service
Good Friday Service

Join us Friday, March 29 at 7:00PM in the sanctuary for our Good Friday Service.

Easter Sunday Services
Easter Sunday Services

Join us Easter Sunday, March 31, for services at 9:01AM for our contemporary service or at 11:11AM for our Traditional service.