Choices For Everyone!
We have a variety of options on Sunday morning for every age and life situation. Whether you come to our 9:01 service and stay, or come for small group and then stay for the 11:11 service, you'll find that you are welcome and loved by any group you choose!
The Servant's Group
Room 105/106 Education Wing of the Fellowship Hall
Led by the Carters and the Mohns
Our class is made of a mix of individuals and couples, ranging from thirties to fifties. We take quite a bit of time with each study, allowing for deep discussion and personal connections to take place. Our class is an active group, participating in many church and community events. We care deeply about one another and are thankful to journey together to know Jesus closer.
The "ISH" Group
Room 103 Education Wing of the Fellowship Hall
Led by Pastor Russ Broomell
Looking for a way to connect with other parents and grow in your faith? Join us for our "ISH" Sunday Small Group designed specifically for parents with young children - typically 25-ish to 40-ish folks! We're "In Search of Him", learning about Jesus and looking for ways to live out the life of a disciple every day.
Our group studies the Bible and has meaningful discussions that help us deepen our understanding of God's Word. We also have plenty of time for fellowship and getting to know one another.
Whether you're new to the church or have been attending for years, all are welcome to join us. We believe that parenting is a challenging yet rewarding journey, and we want to support and encourage each other along the way.
So come and join us for a time of learning, sharing, and growing in faith. We can't wait to see you!
The Upward Journey Group
Room 202/203 in the Christian Living center
Led by Andy and Rose Sears.
All persons are welcome: couples, singles, young parents and grandparents! Over the years, we have studied many books of the Bible, usually alternating (1) a Bible study [Old and New Testament] and (2) a current Christian book study [by authors such as Smith, Lucado, Swindol]. Usually the class enjoys lively discussion and always shares in a time of prayer. Come join us!
The Open Door Group
Room 105 downstairs in the Christian Living Center (Gym)
Our large class of seniors (age 60+) is fortunate to have members who volunteer to teach on a rotating basis. Occasionally, an outside speaker or teacher will visit and we occasionally have video lessons. There is much discussion in our class. We have social events as well, outside of class time. We welcome new members. We truly have an Open Door.
The Heaven Bound Group
Rooms 204/205 upstairs in the Christian Living Center (Gym)
Led by Steve Rudy
Our class is not composed of one age group or relationship status. We have couples and singles. We are a very diverse group that really enjoys each other and is willing to dig deep into some hefty subjects. We welcome anyone to our class for a visit and encourage them to stay, even when the topic turns deep. We supply caffeine, sugar, good conversation and friendship.
The Joy Group
First Floor Corner Classroom in the Christian Living Center (Gym)
Led by Joan Bryant
The class is composed of women in their 50’s and up who love to study favorite Bible passages, making use of book studies along the way. Everyone is welcome to join the group.
Classes for Children and Youth
Children's Sunday School
This class is for preschool and elementary aged children. Nursery is available for newborn to preschool children in the Fellowship Hall.
Middle & High School Classes
The Place in the basement of the Sanctuary
Led by our youth minister, Connor Berg, the youth will have snacks and a Bible study.
For more information, check out our Kids page.