
Local Missions

Barry Stoess Christmas Food Baskets

Blessings in a Backpack

Boy & Cub Scouts

Christ’s Hands

Crestwood Elementary School

Grace United Methodist Church

Habitat For Humanity

Heartland District Ministries

Highpoint (Formerly Mission Crestwood)

Hope Health Clinic

Kavanaugh Life Enrichment Center

Lighthouse Community Center

Mary “Granny” Gardner’s Christmas Angels

McCauley House

Oldham County Red Cross

Portland Promise Center

Oldham County Project Graduation

Residents Encounter Christ (Prison Ministry)

South Oldham Inter-Church Council

UM Children’s Home

Wesley Manor


National Missions

Black College Fund

Episcopal Fund

Human Relations Ministries

Interdenominational Cooperation Fund

Mother’s Of Preschoolers (MOPS)

Native American Ministries

Operation Christmas Child

Peace with Justice Ministries

UMC Colleges & Universities

UMC Committee on Relief

UMC Disaster Relief Fund

United Methodist Missionaries

Upward Sports

International Missions

Africa University

Christian Mission Aid (Kitchell/Africa)

Costa Rica Mission Trip

Thailand Mission

TMS Global (Goshorns/Peru)

World Communion Ministry